David Hundeyin Called PIDOM Nigeria A Government Contractor

PIDOM Nigeria Called David Hundeyin A Traitor


PIDOM Nigeria Is A Government Contractor, David Hundeyin Alleged

Nigeria Born Investigate journalist who is currently on asylum in Ghana, David Hundeyin has alleged that PIDOM Nigeria is a government agent.

Image of David Hundeyin wearing white clothe in blue background
Image of David Hundeyin wearing white clothe in blue background

PIDOM Nigeria is a social media handle on X which operated since 2021 anonymously until his arrest in August 2024. It gives out secret information about the government.

In August 22, 2024, David Hundeyin made a revealed the abduction of “PIDOM Nigeria” and how someone gave him the logins of his X handle. Read morešŸ‘‰https://davidhundeyin.substack.com/p/sos-alert-pidom-nigeria-is-missing?triedRedirect=true

After series of Social media campaign, the Nigeria Police was able to parade one Isaac Bristol as the one behind the anonymous handle, PIDOM Nigeria.

Image of Isaac Bristol, PIDOM Nigeria
Image of Isaac Bristol, PIDOM Nigeria

Recently, The is media clash between the duo on X. While PIDOM called David a traitor, David claimed the government bought over Isaac Bristol.

According to Pidom on his x post 18 hours ago.

Go and ask the fool who first posted about PIDOM’s brouhaha on Twitter if the person behind this account is the real PIDOM or not. The traitor kept his mouth shut in the face of all the lies against PIDOM. Twitter is filled with backstabbing traitors. One day, I will name all of them and tell the world a shocking story.

PIDOM will go commercial from 2025. I will activate subscription, link up this handle to a blog, and key into Elon Musk Twitter ads revenue. I have served this country from my heart without making a Kobo off it. Some jealous idiots feel they have the power and audience to ostracize me from Twitter with intentional lies and misinformation.

I will prove to you all that I am still the one and only PIDOM. I am the key to all the information I post here on Twitter. Those who know, know. If you have a brain in your head, you will understand this post.

I have set up a Twitter group chat for 256 patrons. I will be communicating and posting my latest information there for them until I am set to go commercial sometime in 2025.




In reply to this accusations, David was astonished to find out that the person he once used his media capacity to save is calling him a traitor.

Screenshot image of X post of David Hundeyin replying to PIDOM
Screenshot image of X post of David Hundeyin replying to PIDOM

He said;

I’m a “traitor” now abi? You this fucking government contractor? You’ve been looking for my mouth and you’re frustrated that I’ve been ignoring you abi? Well today is your lucky day!Wait, I’m coming with evidence. I have your time today.

Hundeyin took further to his x handle to give reasons why he believed the government bought over the said PIDOM.

“Before I go any further, let me publicly confirm that the original owner of this account is in fact, the one behind it right now.


Let me also confirm publicly that this person has now been fully bought and paid for by the government. Whatever his motivations may or may not have been when he initially started doing the “anonymous whistleblower” thing, he is now 100% owned and controlled by whoever was behind his arrest in August.


There are many things I could say, but I’ll just restrict myself to these few key points:


1. After I led the media campaign that forced the police to charge him in court instead of keeping him in the FCID dungeon, this fellow – from his cell at Kuje Prison – tried to entrap me in a scheme that would have forever destroyed my credibility and put me in legal trouble that could have followed me anywhere in the world. I trust absolutely no one, so I recorded the entire 54 minute call in the event that a day like this might come. I have uploaded the relevant 6-minute segment of it here. Another well known person here was also on this call and you can hear her voice in the recording. If she wishes to, she will identify herself.


2. The number that he used to make that call is in frame 2 below. He also used that number to reach out to multiple well wishers while he was in Kuje Prison. A contact of mine ran this number through the national SIM registration database and it turns out that it is registered to one Hassan Jibrin, whom I am made to understand is a Director at the Federal Ministry of Defense. Though I have since blocked it, I assume he is still using this number to reach out to people and solicit for money or entrap them like he tried to entrap me.


Whether “Hassan Jibrin” is actually a real identity or not, what I do know is that when someone facing a major national security lawsuit is remanded in prison by the government and immediately given access to a phone, and the next thing he does is to call other people he knows are being targeted by the government and start trying to get them to commit to do something illegal and unethical, I don’t need to be Albert Einstein to work out that someone is putting him up to it, and that whatever deal he was offered for his freedom most likely involved giving his captors my head in exchange for his own.


3. Since we are talking about “traitors,” maybe I will release the rest of the recording where this galactic asshole lambasted Deji Adeyanju, his lawyer who was representing him pro bono, calling him a “baby lawyer” and incompetent, boasting that someone told him that “Peter Obi will hire SANs” for him. In the end, it was the same Deji who got him out on bail, after which he went and acted that drama for the cameras in the courtroom, hugging Deji as if he hadn’t destroyed him behind his back.


Let’s also talk about “traitors” who get caught by the government after doing what they say is public interest work, and then they give up everyone who gave them information or helped them. Let’s talk about the biggest traitor of 2024 who got caught up in his own web of nonsense, ended up in secret detention, and then got his brother to try to convince David Hundeyin to impersonate him, a missing person – making me an accessory to a crime in the event that he actually ended up dead, which he very nearly did.


I held my tongue since September because I felt that it was not my place to destroy this PIDOM fraud, but now that your itchy fingers have carried you to where you shouldn’t go, I’m only too happy to indulge you.

Furthermore, David Hundeyin revealed that he had wanted not to reply PIDOM since over his outburst but now ready to let the cat out of the pack.

“For what it’s worth, my decision to go public with PIDOM’s arrest was one of the best decisions I made this year. You could tell from how disappointed the APC handles here were after I did it, and they started spreading that “David outed PIDOM” talking point. In reality, here’s what it did:


    • A.Ā  It’s probably the only reason that idiot is still drawing breath on this earth. The government’s intention was clearly to use him as bait and then quietly get rid of him afterward. Because he’s a dumb guyman from Port Harcourt and not the Edward Snowden he thought he was, he did not see the (obvious) reality that he was completely disposable to them, and he took whatever deal they offered him. If I had not turned Isaac Bristol into an international headline, they would have had absolutely NO reason to keep him alive when they were done with him.


  • B. The next thing you would see is Muyiwa Adejobi on Arise TV addressing a press conference, announcing that David Hundeyin has been declared wanted for the murder of one Isaac Tamunoebifiri Bristol aka PIDOM Nigeria, and the reason is that some unnamed politicians sent 3,000 jillion dollars to PIDOM’s crypto wallet for him and Hundeyin to sponsor nationwide protests against Tinubu, and Hundeyin had a disagreement with PIDOM about how to share the money, so he arranged for him to be abducted and killed…


You dey whine Nigerian police? They would load 96 fuckeries on my head to the point where even I would have been doubting whether I was innocent. If you recall, even though this plan failed, the police still claimed in PIDOM’s court papers that he had crypto wallets containing over 37 million dollars (image below). They were 100% planning to use that as “motive” proving that “David Hundeyin murdered PIDOM.” Then they would have mobilised their social media terrorists to start pushing that agenda nonstop. You could have seen Foundational Nupe Mumu, Ridwan, etc building 5 bedroom mansions inside that Twitter agenda.


At that point, it wouldn’t matter whether anyone actually believes it or not – it would just need to be somewhat plausible. They could then use that to issue an Interpol red notice and obtain an international arrest warrant for me. Even my Ghanaian asylum and my other residencies would have been invalidated by such a thing. All because of one greedy guyman from Diobu.


Honesty and common sense is what has been saving my life all these years. That’s why my default response to everything is to go public with it. I have nothing to hide. If you want to step into this arena and fight the monsters I’ve fought, you better make sure you expunge all guyman tendencies from your soul.


This arena is where guymen get a bullet to the head.”


Finally, this issue is already trending on X with over 6000 posts commenting on it!.



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